
Friday, December 31, 2010

nota dari tempat kerja

ألسلام عليكم ورحمة ألله و بركاته

Nota yg ku ungkap dari tempat kerja ku....... bertarikh 28 Disember 2010....

hemm.. agak2 nya berapa lama aku blh bertahan di sini ya..?

this is not what i like and love..

but it's not a very tough work though..

in a way, this is kinda a sweet job..
especially when cust appreciate the assistance that we give them... at least it can make me smile.. :)

shocking news..
not that shock... just enough to make me feel confused.. hehe~

today i'm the only one who breaks at 6-7 pm..
the others gonna have their break at 7-8 pm...

confused isn't it..??

never mind..
not really a big matter for me.. cool..! ;)

ok let's continue with the main issue..

how does it feel to be here.. working in here - VADS..

first yg tak best,

my schedule is all messed up... but come to think bout it, my life already mess since long time ago.. i never have a fix schedule.. i mean, my bed time, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc...

so it's not really a good excuses for me to "chow" from here...

2nd thing to be considered..

my holiday.. it's not same as others especially my good fren, my siblings, etc..

this.. quite bothering me sometimes... mybe becoz i'm not a person who love to hang out here and there when it comes to holiday... i preferred to just stay at home and spending the time with family, watching tv, surfing, sleeping...

if i'm the type whom love to lepak2, then it will be very good to have holiday on working days.. at least no need to face jamming on the road... hurmm...

the good side of this 2nd consideration is i can arrange a looonnngggg holiday by combining the off day and Annual leave together... pretty good huh..

n then if i got any interview session, at least i no need to ask for leave.. just schedule it on my off day...

in other words, this 2nd matter is not a really bad circumstances also.. still have the good point on it...

3rd thing...

i wanna work in an office..! i wanna have MY office..! i like to have my own fix workstation...

i'm a critical thinker.. i love to analyze information sooo much... thing that when once i face it, my focus would be just on that... to make it easy, i love office work.. all the messed up.. combining data, everything that would need me to think..!

basically, it seems much or less like the work that i'm doing now.. but it's not.. coz by being a CSR i have to rush and sometimes the Quality of the report "hancur".. i'm a very detailed person.. each and every single thing is important for me.. acccuracy is very important for me.. but seems like i'm not allowed to practice that attitude here.. coz all my KPI will be hancur if i do that... huhu~

4th thing...

my solat time... in a way, working here helps me a lot in improving my solat... but again, have to rush here and there.. the most miserable possibility is when u're unable  to get permission to go and pray.. Maghrib especially..

hahhhhhh~ (deep sigh)

entahlah... gaji mcm ok jgk kt cni.. kira sedap jgk la.. cuma tak psti mampu ke tak nk perform dgn baik... confident level mmg masalah yg sgt besar utk aku.. let's just wait n see la nmpknya...

tuka2 mentor ni pn tak best jgk.. hate it so much..!

nk dpt TL..??


don't know what to expect..

may Allah guide me along the way..



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I was born on 5 Muharram 1407.. sweet and cute lady~ haha~ just joking... common and moderate... a little servant of Allah.. love art... complicated~~