
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sekitar Soal Jodoh..

ألسلام عليكم ورحمة ألله و بركاته

Morning bloggie! ^_^

Dah beberapa hari hati ni meronta-ronta nak menulis. Dan kebetulan hari ini macam agak berkelapangan. Ini pun menulis di office. Probability untuk pengawas penggunaan komputer dapat melihat aktiviti menulis ni pun sangat tinggi. Whatever la... It's not like I'm doing crime. Curi tulang pun tak jugak rasanya since keja yang memerlukan immediate attention or even just attention pun macam tak da. Or should I say, belum ada.. Hehe..

At the moment, I'm going through my life quite well. Ada semak, ada samun.. Macam biasa.. But of course I'll keep moving on. Selagi nyawa masih dikandung badan.. Gitew! Haha..

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why giving up??

ألسلام عليكم ورحمة ألله و بركاته

Sometimes, life doesn't go as what we expect it to be.. And what make it worst is when in the difficult time, struggling all by yourself, you found that you are all alone to face it. Yes you may be surrounded with family and friends, those who you don't deny DO love you. But love is not equal to understanding. They may love you but they may not necessarily understand your situation. Who on earth could possibly know you in and out.. When you yourself may not know who you really are. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

I'm drowning...

ألسلام عليكم ورحمة ألله و بركاته

It's been a long time tak menjengah ke ruangan Kalaam Min Qalbi.. I miss this bloggie.. Perhaps environment sekarang remind me of who I used to be..

I'm basically quite lost now. Mencari sesuatu untuk mengisi hati yang ketandusan sesuatu.. Padahal hakikatnya kembali pada Allah adalah the only answer untuk mengatasi apa yang aku sedang lalui sekarang.. Something feels not right.. But I'm not sure what is it...
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About Me

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I was born on 5 Muharram 1407.. sweet and cute lady~ haha~ just joking... common and moderate... a little servant of Allah.. love art... complicated~~